Another case of persistence paying off 🙂 Azina came back 1hr31m later having stuffed herself 😉
I know I am starting to sound like a broken record but it’s been another quiet day 😉 Tom ended up doing a total 4hr21m over three shifts (though one was only 8 minutes long) and Azina will have done 19hr37m. She came back for her night shift with a very full crop, she’d put Tom’s shift to good use.
It’s been a typical day in the life of a young Peregrine. Long periods of inactivity with pancaking or sitting watching the world go by and preening. Bursts of mad activity with running around, jumping and flapping. P6T’s flapping is getting stronger and longer.
P6T stretching his wings – a lot less down than a few days ago
He was fed twice, pigeon both times.
P6T pancaking – he seems to have adopted that corner for it
It has been a tough day. It all started last night after I posted the daily update and I checked the cameras. I noticed that Chick #1 had either been crying since the last feed or had trouble breathing. When I checked this morning, it wasn’t any better. We made plans to pick it up tomorrow at ringing if it wasn’t improved and have it checked up at Wildlife Aid. Throughout the morning it seemed to perk up from time to time and ventured outside a couple of times. At one point it lost its balance and fell on the ledge floor but picked itself up again. It pancaked with Chick #3 in the box for a while. Then around 12:30 it got up, went out of the box, to the hidden corner for a while. At 12:55 it came back to the wall in front of the box, collapsed and drew its last breath.
From the start last night I suspected it may be frounce/trichomoniasis. From a clip I sent Sean confirmed that it is the most likely cause. But, obviously, without checking the bird physically, we cannot be 100% sure. It is not avian flu. It will have come from one of the pigeons they ate. With hindsight, what I called being weird a few days ago, that it pretty much stopped pancaking and was spending its time sleeping standing up, was probably due to the illness. So it’s been going on for a few days. I didn’t say anything yesterday, in part because Chick #2 had stolen the show, but I had noticed that it seemed a bit lethargic. And thinking back on it, I don’t think it had done much flapping.
Now the sad thing is that it has felt like Chick #3 has been a bit off today, and has been sleeping sitting up a bit. But at other times it seems to perk up, and to pancake. Hopefully it is me being paranoid. Chick #3 is also the one that seems to be missing Chick #1 the most. It’s sat by or pancaked on it a few times. The rest of the family have completely ignored it.
The good news is that Chick #2 on the other hand has been very perky. It’s been up and down the ledge a few times, enjoyed a few paddles and did a lot of flapping.
There were just three feeds today, two by Azina, one by Tom. Again only pigeon on the menu.
Today was Chick #3’s three weeks birthday and it’s doing very well. It was steadier on its feet than yesterday.
Chick #3
The chicks went out early in the morning, at the end of a feed by Tom.
They all settled to sleep in the ‘hidden corner’ and stayed there for two hours until the rain started getting heavier, at which point they all went back to the nest box. Chick #1 was the first one to get back in, it usually is. And they stayed there pretty much all day, apart for a short outing around 4pm.
Chick #2 was well improved since yesterday in standing and walking.
Chick #2
They got six feeds today, two by Tom and four by Azina. Pigeon and Starling was on the menu.
It rained for many hours and Azina got rather wet perched by the ledge. Tom landed on the perch a couple of minutes after she left and was totally dry. As we know he doesn’t like the rain and getting wet so I suspect he’d been hiding in one of his rain corners (on the railing on the 12th floor at the junction of North and West Wings usually).
Azina was eager for the food Tom brought her this evening. She really rushed towards Tom!A few intruders again today (one seemed to be a juvenile but it was from quite a distance) but that didn’t disturb Tom and Azina’s incubation routine much.