12 Apr 23 — Day I-34
The chick got four feeds today though the last feed was only a couple of minutes long, it was a bit close to the third and the chick was still full. Pigeon and Starling were on the menu.
Only a few minutes at a time but Tom got to spend a bit of time with the chick and the eggs. Very gentle as usual.
A second egg has been pipping all day. It started with a tiny hole and a crack and didn’t seem to develop so I was starting to wonder if it wasn’t a bit of down stuck to the egg but at 6.30 the hole was bigger and the chick visible. It still had a bit to go and may be hatching under Azina now as I am typing this.
There is a mark on a third egg that may be a pip but somehow I think it may just be a mark.
Shots for today: