A few shots from today. I was a bit off in my estimation for the egg laying time. Azina got up and settled in egg laying position a few times in the night but it’s when Tom came in with food that she finally laid it, 61hr11m after the second one. I think they’ve started incubating in earnest now and Azina hasn’t let Tom do much of it. I expect the fourth, and presumably last, egg to come Sunday afternoon/early evening.
Today was Chick #3’s three weeks birthday and it’s doing very well. It was steadier on its feet than yesterday.
The chicks went out early in the morning, at the end of a feed by Tom.
They all settled to sleep in the ‘hidden corner’ and stayed there for two hours until the rain started getting heavier, at which point they all went back to the nest box. Chick #1 was the first one to get back in, it usually is. And they stayed there pretty much all day, apart for a short outing around 4pm.
Chick #2 was well improved since yesterday in standing and walking.
They got six feeds today, two by Tom and four by Azina. Pigeon and Starling was on the menu.
It rained for many hours and Azina got rather wet perched by the ledge. Tom landed on the perch a couple of minutes after she left and was totally dry. As we know he doesn’t like the rain and getting wet so I suspect he’d been hiding in one of his rain corners (on the railing on the 12th floor at the junction of North and West Wings usually).
I have put the #FledgeWatch notices up around the hospital this morning. P6T is in the second shot, he was preening on the left hand side corner of the ledge.
I really hope there won’t be any accident during the weekend because I have to go away. I will be keeping an eye on the cameras when I can. I have asked some friends and neighbours to keep watch and help to rescue P6T if necessary.
I will start Fledge Watch on Monday morning.
Anyone is welcome to come and help watch, keep me company or relieve me for a while. I hope he fledges on Tuesday or Wednesday but, with young Peregrines, you really can’t tell! Indy had her accident on Day 40 (that’s Monday for P6T) but really didn’t fledge until 4 days later, Walnut fledged on Day 43 (Thursday), Jack fledged on Day 44 (Friday).
He again spent the night out on the wall, in the same spot at the night before. He hasn’t been in the box since Monday unless going after a parent. Which has given Tom the opportunity to go and do a bit of housekeeping in there. It’s needed!
Someone had something green for breakfast, lunch or dinner 😉 Azina cast a pellet this afternoon that’s a bit more colourful than the other ones you can see to her right.
And another picture in picture clip. This time Tom is incubating in the box and Azina pays a visit.
The chick got four feeds today though the last feed was only a couple of minutes long, it was a bit close to the third and the chick was still full. Pigeon and Starling were on the menu.
Only a few minutes at a time but Tom got to spend a bit of time with the chick and the eggs. Very gentle as usual.
A second egg has been pipping all day. It started with a tiny hole and a crack and didn’t seem to develop so I was starting to wonder if it wasn’t a bit of down stuck to the egg but at 6.30 the hole was bigger and the chick visible. It still had a bit to go and may be hatching under Azina now as I am typing this.
There is a mark on a third egg that may be a pip but somehow I think it may just be a mark.
Today was Chick #2′ 3 weeks birthday and to celebrate they all went out! 😉
The big excursion started while Tom was doing a feed and it was Chick #2 who went out first. Chick #1 followed three minutes later and Chick #3 22 minutes later, after Tom had gone. Chick #2 was out for well over an hour and Chick #3 for nearly an hour, but a lot of that time was spent huddled in the ‘hidden’ corner. Chick #1 came back in after half an hour and enjoyed some pancake me time in the box 😉
There was a clear difference in aptitude between the three. Chick #1 was standing and running around while flapping. Chick #2 could stand a bit and do a few steps. Chick #3 was mostly bum shuffling but was also trying to stand a bit. I’d say however that there seems to be more difference between 1 and 2 than between 2 and 3 even though they’re much closer in age.
The rest of the day was spent mostly sleeping as usual though there were bursts of activity from time to time, with plenty of flapping and playing with food.
There were six feeds and again it was only pigeon on the menu. Tom did two of the feeds, Azina the other four. Funniest moment today was when Azina was doing one of her morning visits to the nest box, rooting around for bits and bobs as she does. She stepped on one the chicks’ tail and the poor chick ended up in total blind panic, hyperventilating!
A clip from yesterday with Tom and Azina preening by the nest ledge.
Main thing today was that the fourth egg broke over night. Even though I couldn’t see what happened as it did under Azina and she had her back to the camera I can say that this egg was not viable. The chicks were covered in some residue that made them look like they’d been dipped in oil. Not their fluffy selves Not that it seemed to bother them.
The rest of the day was the usual mix of sleep and feeds. There were 6 feeds today, at 7.23am, 9.12am, 11.19am, 2.35pm, 4.46pm, 6.33pm. Actually close to every two hours except for three hours once in the middle. Pigeon and Starling on the menu again.
Starling heads are starting to accumulate on the gravel again…
Lastly, something happened I’d seen or heard of at other sites but had never seen here: Tom feeding Azina