

I have been asked a few times already about a name for New Girl. Obviously, that name is good for now but wouldn’t quite fit if she’s around for years.
I have given it some thought over the weekend. Charlie was named Charlie as I wanted a name that could be both male and female and I based it on *Char*ing Cross Hospital. I couldn’t think of a name for her first mate and ended up calling him Mr C, which suited him very well. Tom’s name is based on the initials of The Other Male.
I have had a suggestion of Violet (because she screams a lot) but she doesn’t feel like a Violet to me, she is a BIG girl.
I have a habit when naming other things/pets to use deity names. Because of the breeding failure history in recent years and the hope that New Girl is bringing of success again I have been looking at deities linked to fertility. And so I am thinking of Damara, which is a British Goddess (and the initial D is after C). But there are others that could work such as Damona, Brigid, Turan…
Or we could call her Mrs T…

What do you think? T&D?

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  1. The circular logic described to name the F&B peregrines is very familiar – very glad to hear I’m not the only one who does it this way!! And I’m also glad to have the opportunity to add a suggestion into the mix. I have family connections to Hammersmith but knew very little about the area around the nestsite other than the cemetery next door looks lovely on-camera, odd as that might sound. So what about naming New Girl “Margravine”? Bit of a mouthful I know, but (as I understand it) a margravine was the wife of a margrave who was responsible for protecting the borders of a kingdom – not unlike a peregrine defending its territory. And if Margravine is a mouthful, why not just embrace it and go with “The Margravine of Charing Cross”. Perhaps New Girl will live up to her name and carry on Charlie’s excellent work …

    Best of luck to Tom & the “New Girl”, whatever name she gets!

    1. Wow, that’s a great suggestion, why didn’t I think of it? The cemetery is indeed a lovely place, a little wildlife oasis, I spend a lot of time there.

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